No matter you freelance
full-time or part time, work during weekends or not, only work a few days a
week, or have last been in the office years ago – Monday is still Monday, even
if you do not need to wake up, get dressed and wait for the crowded bus to take
you to your office building. Perhaps, the most frightening thing about Monday
is not that it comes so abruptly and unwelcomingly after a fun, relaxed and
laid-back weekend, but that it signals for the start of the new week.
Monday, however, can be beneficial. Beat off the inefficient Monday blues with these five tips:
1. Prepare for Monday on Friday – rest well, relax, for a couple day of rest will be just enough for you to be eager to start working again. Or else - work in mild temp, smooth transition from relaxed working hours on weekend to Monday business can also serve you good.
Monday, however, can be beneficial. Beat off the inefficient Monday blues with these five tips:
1. Prepare for Monday on Friday – rest well, relax, for a couple day of rest will be just enough for you to be eager to start working again. Or else - work in mild temp, smooth transition from relaxed working hours on weekend to Monday business can also serve you good.
2. Prepare for Friday on
Monday – only five days to go until the weekend. Not so long if you keep
yourself occupied and productive, right?
3. Monday is an especially
messy affair for those who do not do planning – while everybody else is
writing up their plans in their week planner, freelancers can only hope for
this week to be more productive – or less stressful – than the previous one,
setting hardly any measurable goals due to the changing nature of freelancing.
Look at the bright side though – you can work in your own personal pace and not
be rushed!
4. Make a list of things
you are excited about for the new week – not necessarily, and not advisably connected with work. Embrace the new beginning, for it is new opportunities!
5. Finally, keep your Monday schedule light. You have the whole week to go, don't overstress and overwork – save your energy for the upcoming days of efficient and productive work!
5. Finally, keep your Monday schedule light. You have the whole week to go, don't overstress and overwork – save your energy for the upcoming days of efficient and productive work!